Saturday, October 03, 2009

Mighty Rain!!

Dear Rain,
When you rain like this you make me feel so poet like - a rare usage of the right frontal brain.I have just poured out hot coffee and writing this blog.You remind me of my first crush, my first foot mishap,my first job,my first yahoo chat (and last too), my first dance,my first mobile, my first postpaid sim and my birthdays.
As I watch you dance with the scent of your perfume I wonder what majestic charm the divine has created.Had plans to sort out my car at the garage but watching you play like this makes me charged to prepare hot bread toast and sizzling hot brownie.So while you contine to pour I treat myself with these and dont you dare stop pouring.
Love you rain.Keep raining but dont roar, give us our water but dont flood us and wash our dampened spirits but dont dishearten us.
